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Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the author

Hello, I'm Alejandro Rojas

Navigating the tech world with self-taught skills and a love for coding and cybersecurity

Recent Projects
Twisted Dreams Haunt

Twisted Dreams Haunt

Twisted Dreams Haunt is a client website for a local haunted house. The site was built using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. The site is hosted on Vercel and uses a custom CMS built with Next.js and postgresql

Big Guy Auto

Big Guy Auto

Big Guy Auto is a client website for a local auto repair shop. The site is built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS. The site is hosted on Vercel and uses a headless CMS called Strapi.



AlgoVisualizer is a web application that allows users to visualize sorting algorithms. It is built with React and Tailwind CSS.



KmacShop is a Django E-commerce site that allows users to buy and sell items. It also allows users to create their own stores and sell their items. This project was created to help me learn the Django framework and to help me learn how to deploy a Django app to Heroku.

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