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Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the author
Picture of the author

Alejandro Rojas

Full Stack Developer, Automotive Electrician
Freelancer, Big Guy Auto Body

Hello, I am Kmachappy

Kmachappy (kay-mak-hap-ee): HHKB layout Korean Keyboard

Full Stack Developer, automotive electrician, runner, hiker, and cat parent.

My many interests include running, hiking, backpacking, hydropnics, Keyboards, cybersecurity, and social engineering.

Currently learning: Threejs | Blender | Shader programming | Reverse Engineering | Nextjs | Strapi | Shopify | Payload |

Currently Working on: Client website for Big Guy Auto and San Fernando Pet Hospital, Twisted Dreams Haunt

OS: Fedora | MacOS

Languages: JavaScript | TypeScript | Python | Java | HTML | CSS

Front End Frameworks: Nextjs | React | Django | TailwindCSS | Bootstrap | Materialize | Material UI

Back End Framewroks: Shopify | Strapi | Payload | Express | Stripe | Django | MedusaJS |

Databases: PostgreSQL | MySQL | MongoDB

Design: Creative Cloud | Blender

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My minds not a well it won't run dry, just keep drinking water and you'll be alright.